about us

A group of Power Boat racing enthusiasts within the Berri Water Ski Club formed the Riverland Power Boat Club in order to return boat racing to Berri and to the Riverland. It is based around local drivers and their associates. A Club in the Riverland allows us to:
• Offer racing and display opportunities for local boat owners and drivers.
• Ensure a focus on the Riverland.
• Further develop the expertise to stage good Events.
• Reduce reliance on assistance from other clubs.
Our Club’s membership is largely owners and drivers – they are known both locally and interstate and will help to draw boats and competitors to the Event from as far as Tasmania, Queensland and Western Australia. Over the years the Club has built up a stock of its own buoys, flags, computers etc. and aims to be even more self sufficient and sustainable.
The Riverland Power Boat Club is affiliated (in South Australia) with the national Australian Power Boat Association (APBA) and racing will be conducted under their rules. The Club also receives Public Liability Insurance cover by virtue of the Spectacular being an APBA sanctioned Event.
The Berri Water Ski Club has been a major participant in past Events and that relationship will continue and develop even further – to organise and plan the Event, run the racing and manage the Carnival.
The Event would not be as effective without their considerable and much appreciated involvement.